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What is Optical Mark Recognition? – Its uses, features and benefits!

what is omr software - full form, uses, application, features and benefits Optical mark recognition also commonly known as optical mark reader and even OMR is a technology that is used to electronically extract and evaluate human marked data out of OMR sheets such as tests, surveys, checklists and forms. What is the background of Optical Mark Recognition? Earlier, using optical mark recognition used to be a very lengthy process and was accompanied by gathering more of tools and resources to actually acquire the data out of the OMR sheets.

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What is OMR software? How is it helpful?

what is omr software OMR technology has been present since long in many industries. Earlier it used to come as separate functionalities wherein the sheet designing, printing, and scanning, all of it used to be acquired from different sources. No doubt that the whole procedure used to be whooping expensive and no less tedious. With the emergence of technology conventional OMR procedure got revamped and a comprehensive solution emerged in the form of OMR Software.

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